U. S. Steel Mon Valley Works Clairton Plant is the largest by-products coke plant in North America. The Clairton Plant operates 10 coke batteries and produces approximately 13,000 tons of coke per day from the destructive distillation of more than 18,000 tons of coal per day.
This constant air pollution leads to respiratory illness, bad air quality days, and unknown long term health effects.
Valley Clean Air Now believes that ACHD should include the following actions in the Title V permit renewal.
We want a definitive date for the shutdown of old coke batteries 1,2 and 3. This date should be included in the Title V permit so ACHD can enforce the shutdown.
Increased transparency around the monitoring of Clairton Coke works and the data from the plant. ACHD needs real time data on emissions from the plant that does not rely on US Steel management or staff. The public should have access to all real time data.
ACHD should ensure that violations that resulted from the December, 2018 fire should not be repeated in the future.
If pollution control equipment is compromised or in inoperable condition, the plant should be required to be put on hot idle or other temporary halts in production.
Violations and fees should be non-negotiable.
When air quality reaches unhealthy levels, the plant should be required to reduce emissions enough that nearby residents are not exposed to dangerous levels of pollution. An approved Pollution Mitigation Plan should be included in the Title V permit.
If you also care about U.S Steel Mon Valley Works actions, a public hearing is tentatively scheduled to be held at the Clairton Municipal Building, 551 Ravensburg Blvd., Clairton, 15025 regarding the proposed issuance of the permits listed here on Tuesday, February 22, 2022, at 6 pm. Register Here, and make sure your voice is heard.